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Your APSA Member Newsletter: APSA Announcements, Programs & Initiatives
Member Newsletter | April 2021
The 117th APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, September 28 October 3, held in Seattle, WA, will return to an in-person meeting, including a virtual option. See schedule details and more information here.
Applications Now Open for APSA Travel and Accessibility Grants

This year, we have expanded the travel grant program to support both in-person travel to the APSA Annual Meeting and virtual participation. The application deadline is June 3, 2021. Learn more about travel and accessibility grants and submit an application here.
Participation in the 2021 APSA Annual Meeting Program

If you haven't already, please take a moment to accept or decline your participation. You can review your participation roles under the "Confirm or Decline Participation" link. If you need to request a certain time due to time zone conflicts, please complete the time slot request form by May 7, 2021.
APSA Annual Meeting registration and housing will open in late May!
APSA Council and Committees
APSA 2021 Council Nominees Announced

The APSA Nominating Committee is pleased to announce its 2021 nominees for APSA Council. Balloting will open on August 17 and conclude in September. Nominees by petition are also welcome. The deadline for submitting nominees by petition is June 18. More information about APSA elections, including instructions for submitting nominees by petition and a description of the balloting process, can be found here.
Recommendations for APSA Standing and Award Committee Members and APSA DDRIG Review Panel

We welcome suggestions, including self-nominations, for members of APSA committees for terms starting in September of 2021.

Typically, members of the standing committees serve staggered three-year terms, and members of the award committees serve one-year terms. Committee appointments are made by the president-elect, in consultation with the executive director, beginning in early summer. Please send all suggestions to nominations@apsanet.org. APSA is also open to volunteers to serve as reviewers, particularly for the upcoming cycle of the APSA Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants. If you or other scholars within your network are interested in volunteering to serve as a reviewer, please sign up here.
Political Science Today
The May issue of Political Science Today is available online now!

Political Science Today includes public scholarship, association updates, member spotlights, in memoriams, and more. Print issues will be distributed beginning in early May.
Educate | Online Teaching & Learning Resources
APSA Educate, political science’s new teaching resource library, allows faculty and graduate students to easily find, share and use teaching materials. Share your course materials – our single-page submission form takes less than ten minutes to complete. If you are interested in authoring a blog or leading an effort to curate a teaching collection, please write educate@apsanet.org. See featured resources below:
Featured Resources:
Let APSA Fund Your Research!
APSA Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants

Deadline: June 15, 2021

The Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (DDRIG) program provides support to enhance and improve the conduct of doctoral dissertation research in political science. Awards will support basic research which is theoretically derived and empirically oriented. The APSA Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant program will award up to twenty grants yearly of between $10,000 and $15,000 to support doctoral dissertation research that advances knowledge and understanding of citizenship, government, and politics. For more information, visit the APSA DDRIG website. Apply here!
Summer Centennial Center Research Grants

Deadline: June 15, 2021

Each year, APSA’s Centennial Center offers over $100,000 in funding to APSA members through its Spring and Summer Centennial Center Research Grant programs, open to all APSA members.

These grants are supported by a set of endowed funds, some of which target their support to specific research topics, including gender, race, and politics, electoral politics, Asian politics, international politics, democracy and self-governing systems, legislative politics, and more. The largest of these endowed funds is open to support research in any area of the political science discipline. Apply now!
APSA Announcements, Programs & Initiatives
Deadline to submit: May 14, 2021
APSA Dissertation Workshops bring together 6-8 PhD candidates and 2 faculty moderators to present and workshop one chapter from each student's dissertation. This summer’s workshop is titled "International Law, Human Rights, and the Politics of Rights in International Relations" and will take place from June 21 to July 16 to be hosted by Drs. Audrey Comstock and Heather Smith-Cannoy. Learn more here.
Deadline: May 31, 2021
Perspectives on Politics calls for submission of papers for a special issue, the purpose of which is to explore the state of Black Lives Matter, its impact, and its potential ramifications. We encourage papers from a range of perspectives, subfields, and approaches within the discipline. Christopher Sebastian Parker of the University of Washington will serve as Guest Editor for this special issue. Learn more here.
Deadline: June 4, 2021
Each year, APSA recognizes political science faculty who received campus teaching awards at their colleges and universities during the past academic year. Nominate yourself or a colleague who has won a Campus Teaching Award by submitting this form.
Deadline: July 1, 2021
The APSA Council has formed a Search Committee to consider applications for the next editorship of PS beginning in September 2022. Read the full Call for Editors here. Please send applications to Jon Gurstelle, APSA Director of Publications, at jgurstelle@apsanet.org.
The APSA Mentoring Program is currently looking for additional mentors to meet the demand of requested mentor pairings for the Spring semester. We are especially seeking mentors for women, scholars of color, and LGBT+ individuals. Additionally, we have high demand for mentors who research in the areas of race, ethnicity, and politics, immigration, global health, security studies, political philosophy, and political behavior. APSA members willing to serve as a mentor can submit or update their mentoring profile here. Please email mentoring@apsanet.org with any questions.
Update Your APSA Profile Login to access your "User Home." Once logged in, click on your name at the top right of the page. Select any section on the right hand.
Section Spotlight
Student members can now join for $0. Send relevant section updates, news and information here.
Renew Now! Departmental Memberships for the 2021-2022 Academic Year
Departmental Memberships are now open for renewals for the July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 academic year. Easily renew online by logging into your account that is linked to the department. Questions? Email membership@apsanet.org. Learn more about Departmental Memberships here.
Upcoming Virtual Events
Join us for a Webinar on "Advising and Mentoring for Applied Careers in Political Science" | May 10th, 12:30–1:30 p.m. EDT
Are you interested in learning more about how to effectively support and mentor political science graduate students interested in careers in industry, nonprofits, government, and other sectors? This webinar, featuring political science PhDs who have first-hand experience in advising students in applied career paths and/or in successfully landing a job beyond the academy, will provide specific tips and resources for political science faculty to draw upon when advising their students.

The webinar will feature: APSA President, Janet Box-Steffensmeier, Menna Demessie (Universal Music Group), Shareen Hertel (University of Connecticut), Natalie Jackson (Public Religion Research Institute), and David Lazer (Northeastern University).
APSA Centennial Center Teaching & Learning Symposium | June 14 – July 1

Application deadline: May 14, 2021

Participate in a three-week virtual teaching and learning symposium. APSA’s teaching symposia provide a workshop environment where people with similar goals can come together to share their own practices and research related to teaching and create new teaching resources to be published on APSA Educate.

Led by Casey Dominguez (University of San Diego) and Keneshia Grant (Howard University), the theme of this symposium is American Politics. Apply here!
Virtual Research Methods Seminar for MENA Politics

Register by May 10, 2021.

Ongoing travel restrictions, health concerns, and funding shortages caused by COVID-19 have significantly impacted the way that political scientists collect, analyze, and share data. Many scholars must reconsider how and when to do fieldwork or adopt data collection techniques that are more suitable to the virtual environment. To address this, APSA will convene a series of online discussions on virtual research methods, focusing specifically on scholars of MENA Politics research. Sessions begin May 12th, and are free to attend. Register here.
Virtual International Workshops
APSA's International Workshops will continue in 2021 with virtual summer programs in both Asia and the MENA region! The deadline to apply for the three different workshops is May 31, 2021. See applications call below:
Early-career scholars from East and Southeast Asia are invited to apply for this workshop to discuss the region’s heterogeneous experiences and outcomes associated with local governance and decentralization programs designed to devolve authority from central governments to subnational and local levels for more information. View eligibility requirements and application instructions here.
Early-career scholars from the Arab Middle East and North Africa are invited to apply for this workshop to discuss the growing body of research that use surveys, experiments, and/or focus groups to understand what MENA populations think and want on a wide range of issues, from gender to conflict to religion to democracy. View eligibility requirements and application instructions here.
Early-career scholars from the Arab Middle East and North Africa are invited to apply for this workshop to discuss ethnographic approaches to the everyday "politics of presence" imposed by ordinary people and practiced within the public sphere, as related to how power is produced within society and how citizens engage in political expression even in repressive contexts. View eligibility requirements and application instructions here.
Membership Reminders & Updates
Join an APSA Related Group

APSA Members are invited to join Related Groups that align with their interests and field of study. Related Groups are professional groups, which include subject matter groups, caucuses, identity groups, think tanks, nonprofits, and other academic associations. Related Groups host one or more panels at the APSA Annual Meeting. They also add diversity and represent a broad spectrum of civic and political issues.

Memberships run concurrently with APSA membership and have no additional dues to join. Easily join a Related Group by logging into your User Home and selecting "Related Groups" on the right-hand side.
Nominate Your Colleagues: APSA Member of the Month Program

The APSA Member of the Month program recognizes one member each month. We encourage our members to submit nominations to help us recognize more of our members who are achieving professional milestones in the discipline.

Nominations for the award (including self-nominations) may be submitted by members and non-members of APSA. Submit nominations here.

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