Fwd: Conference Program and Abstract Book Now Available

Register now for the virtual AAPOR 76th Annual Conference!

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American                                                           Association                                                           for Public                                                           Opinion                                                           Research

See What's Happening at AAPOR 2021

View the Conference Program
View the Abstract Book

The AAPOR 76th Annual Conference is right around the corner! Browse the full Conference Program and Abstract Book as PDFs or in the interactive schedule. Come learn and network with more than 1,000 public opinion and survey research professionals May 11-14, 2021, with short courses taking place the week of May 3.

Register Now

Don't forget to renew your membership for 2021 and get the member rate for AAPOR 2021. Not a member? Join now!

Get More Out of AAPOR 2021 With Short Courses

Short courses start next week! ‎These in-depth, half-day courses cover topics that affect our ever-changing industry. Participation is limited to enhance the opportunities for interaction between attendees and instructors, so register now! ‎Three short courses have already sold out. Join the waitlist for the sold-out classes by emailing info@aapor.org.‎

Course 1: Doing Reproducible Research: Best Practices and Practical Tools for the Social Sciences

Course 2: Designing Survey Experiments when Treatment Effects are Heterogeneous

Course 3 (SOLD OUT): Transitioning from Interviewer-Administered Surveys to "Push to Web" with a Focus on Questionnaire Design and Mode Effects

Course 4: Biosocial Data Collection and Analysis

Course 5 (SOLD OUT): Deepening and Enriching Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis with Creative Methods

Course 6: Identifying and Correcting Errors in Big Data

Course 7 (SOLD OUT): Using (Non-)Probability Sample Surveys for Public Opinion Research

Course 8: Tidy Survey Analysis in R using the srvyr Package

Sponsor Spotlight: RTI

Get to know Platinum Sponsor RTI International‎ in AAPOR's Sponsor Spotlight Series! RTI decided to sponsor the AAPOR 2021 Annual Conference because, "RTI International has been a long-term sponsor and supporter of AAPOR and its Annual Conference. The meetings serve to promote best practices in collecting, analyzing and interpreting survey data. It is a good forum to update practitioners on innovations we have implemented with respect to new developments affecting our field and help policy makers and the public make better use of surveys and survey findings."

Read RTI's Sponsor Spotlight

Order Your 2021 Conference T-Shirt Now

You can now purchase the AAPOR 76th Annual Conference T-Shirt in a variety of styles. We're also offering a new collection of AAPOR logo-branded items including clothing, coffee mugs, face masks and more.

Visit the AAPOR Swag Shop

Can't attend every day? Many live sessions and events will be recorded so you can come back and view what you’ve ‎missed. You will have access to recorded presentations and the virtual exhibit hall after the conference ends through March 2022.

Thank you to our sponsors and exhibitors!

Sustaining Sponsor


Platinum Sponsors



Gold Sponsors

Abt                                                           Associates

D3                                                           Systems, Inc.

Marketing                                                           Systems Group


Silver Sponsors




Ipsos                                                           Public                                                           Affairs, LLC

Ironwood                                                           Insights                                                           Group, LLC








American Association for Public Opinion Research

529 14th Street NW, Suite 1280

Washington, DC 20045 USA



Higher Logic